EXPLORE the ruins of forgotten cities, RELAX in the shade of towering temples, WONDER at the majesty of Kilimanjaro, and share our first glimpse of that place we have always wished to see. Paris, Cape Town, Rio or Bombay, the world awaits and we know just where to look.
Since 1979, Nancy Walsh has been designing and leading stunning tours to some of the world’s most awe inspiring destinations with groups ranging in size from 3 to 3,000. With an artist’s imagination and 30 + years in the field, Going Places Together and your holiday plans could not be in better hands! Founded 1994, Going Places Together specializes in custom tours with a central focus on tours for the creative and curious traveller.
As the world changes so must Going Places Together. We have offered, tours for women, tours for readers, tours for painters and tours for the women of WAGGGS. All our tours except ones titled 'Tours for Women' are open to anyone interested in exciting travel.
Come along and bring a friend!